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*** Sobre | Lic. Nelson J. Ressio

----  My University history:

----  My CV On Line, 2022, In Spanish (Large - With cover letter):
----  My CV On Line, 2022, in English (Large - With cover letter):
----   Professional profile:

📈Salesforce Administrator
***  My personal Facebook (5000 friends):

My Others Facebooks pages:
----  Writer/Novelist (14 books at Amazon) (1230 followers):
---- Actor / Singer (1341 followers):  

----  Musician / Songwriter (More than 12 years) (1195 followers):

----  Cartoonist (470 followers):

----  Enigmas de Otros Mundos (Enigms of Other Worlds) (10923 followers):

----  El Erminauta (2856 followers):  

----  The Egregor Meter Project (786 followers): 

----  The GOD Machine Project (200 followers): 

----  The Man of the 101 Thousand Faces (1100 followers): 

---- Youtube playlists, with two radio interviews to my person:

***  My personal and projects domains: (Librepensamiento)
(TIC's y Servicios) (Personal) (El mundo de las TICs) (CyberWorld)
***  My Project: Education of the Future: 
In Spanish:
In English:

***  My Project: Grúa Espacial/Space Crane: 
In Spanish:
In English:

***  My Project: Servers Virtualizations: 
In Spanish:

***  My software development: 
---- Moebyus Search Engine (MSE) "Beta Version 2011 (2)" - (My new software development):

More data about my MSE:
---- Show my latest Business Management System (ERP/CRM):

---- The Egregor Meter Project -EMP- (Latest version):

More data about my EMP:
---- The EGREGOR METER Project, has become On Line:

---- Youtube playlists, with demos of some of my software developments:
---- 4 of my systems in RM-Cobol 85 language (15 years with Cobol):
---- My vaccine system (125 of 4700 lines) in RM-Cobol 85 language:
---- My business management system made in the programming language RM-Cobol 85 (35000 lines):
---- My latest business management system/ERP/CRM (180000 lines):

---- My first steps in computer programming (year 1984):

***  My multidisciplinary development (The God Machine Project): 
More data about my project:

***  My YouTube channels, of: 
---- Some programs designed and performing for me (Enigms of The Others Worlds - Enigmas de Otros Mundos):
---- My performances/Acting/Casting for foundries (also performed in English):
---- My audio-articles (taken from my Web test:
---- Personal YouTube Channel:
---- My Soundtracks for Films and Novels:

***  Websites where I upload my musical productions: 

*** Gallery of my paintings / drawings: 

***  My all books (14) on Amazon: (abbreviated link Because it is a search on Amazon EE.UU.).
And in Amazon UK, and in Amazon Europe.
My Amazon Author Page:
***  My all books (14) on Google Books: (abbreviated link Because it is a search on Google Books).

***  Facebook page about my novel: "The Digital Sentinel": 
***  Facebook page about my novel: "Annon and the Crystal Prisson": 
***  Facebook page about my novel: "Annon and the Enigma of the Phoenix": 
You want to know more about me, click on this Google search with my name.

You want to view all my videos, click on this video Google search with my name.

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