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The experiment of the Double Peephole, the Quantum Decoherence and the action of the Mind on Matter. The Egregor Meter Project. Project of my authorship to detect the action of the mind on matter.

Article in Spanish, better updated than this, click here (And you can translate it with Google Translate).

The Double Peephole experiment, the Quantum Decoherence and the action of the Mind on Matter, tested for months, by my software, The "Egregor Meter" Project.

The truth, it gets more and more broad.

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In this picture; more specifically in the blue graphs, where the maximums of zeros and / or consecutive ones are reflected, outside the normal, that is to say, outside the expected randomness; you can verify that I have remarked in three parts; a central green rectangle with many maxima, that is, much quantum decoherence generated by conscious minds. On the other hand, in the red rectangles - at each end of the blue graph - many consecutive minima are observed, that is to say, more quantum coherence at the moment when the minds are either asleep or have changed the "FOCUS" conscious towards other goals.

Click on the image to enlarge
This is related to the experiment of the double slit (or Young's Experiment), since it expresses that, when sending particles of a, if they are not looked at, if they are not observed, "if it is not THINK in them ", if there is no CONSCIENCE that tries to detect them, the behavior of the same, will remain as corpuscular particles, not interacting with the physical system of their environment. But if that emission of particles into a double slit is observed, or "THOUGHT", applying CONSCIOUSNESS, the particle changes from its former corpuscular state, to act as a wave or string, and that wave traverses through the two slits a at the same time, leaving a decoherent pattern where they are projected. That is, if you try to see, observe, "THINK", be AWARE of a quantum system, it will be altered, will be non-coherent, and somehow interact with the physical system of your environment. If you do not think about it, if you do not observe it, if you are not AWARE of these particles, they will behave like corpuscles again, without interacting with the physical environment around them. 
Wikipedia says about Quantum Decoherence : "In that context the decoherence process implies that a coherent state of a concrete quantum system evolves into another state that combines the system and the environment (rest of the universe). arrive to look like a mixed state (where any trace of the initial coherence has been lost). "
Click to enlarge. Scanning during Christmas.
Click to enlarge. Scanning during the night before the day of the Three Kings.

Click to enlarge. Scanning during dawn and morning of the day of the Magi.
The following video shows the first results of a first test, performed without one of the CPU caps, with the aim of trying to diminish the Faraday Box effect, and with the intention that Quantum Decoherence is more evident through the graphic blue color: 

In short, the act of our mind is conscious, is an act of looking, however much we do not with our eyes, and being aware, we alter the electrons of the CPU of this computer for example (where runs this software ), we generate Decoherence, and the quantum system (electrons circulating inside the CPU) is mixed with the physical system (the CPU itself) causing an alteration of the electrons that represent the random numbers generated by my program, and that quantum, results in the values ​​obtained and calculated by the program, which then automatically analyzes them, throwing the values ​​that have been in sight for months on my Facebook page,The Egregor Meter Project.

Click to enlarge. Scanning at the end of the year and new year.

Let us not turn away from the ancient mystics. They did not have on their consciences this failed system dedicated to exalting the egos in all its forms, hiding the true power of the human being. They looked beyond the obvious.

The following images detail the first scans of this 2015, where we continue to verify the action of the mind on matter, that is, when the collective mind is in the waking state, morning, afternoon and night, the Quantum Decoherence is greater, less is the chaos because more zeros and / or consecutive ones are detected and as a consequence, more maximums are observed in the graphs. But, in moments when the collective mind is asleep, internalized in the dream world, Quantum Decoherence is smaller, there is greater chaos because fewer occurrences of zeros and / or consecutive ones are detected, and as a consequence, more minimal in each cycle of zeros and ones. 

Observe the new images: 

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New Version, new graphics and new readings:

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From here, new version with new additions: 

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From here, new readings at the time of earthquakes and hurricanes in Mexico: 

Science, Justice and Labor, at the service of the detection of collective consciousness (directed intention, alteration of the coherence of the quantum system called microprocessor, coming from the hyperdimensional Quantum Field). These measures are the detections in these days of the terrible event in Mexico, with the hurricanes and earthquakes. In clearer words, this program detects fear, anguish, terror, fear, uncertainty, sadness, but also, determination, intention to help, willpower, altruism, and all sensations or intentions generated by the collective mind (directed global consciousness) in response to these catastrophes, even before they succeed. 

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Article in Spanish, better updated than this, click here.

Nelson j. Ressio.

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